laser hair removal small areas
Tips & Articles for Your Skin

Safe and Effective: Laser Hair Removal for Small Areas

Laser hair removal for small areas is a laser treatment that can be used to remove hairs on any part of the body. It is most often used in places like facial creases, eyebrows, underarms, necklines, and bikini lines. 

Individuals who are considering laser hair removal should be aware that laser treatments can take longer than other methods because it takes multiple sessions to get rid of the hair permanently.

For less than $100 per session, you can have laser hair removal for your small area without spending too much money!

Laser hair removal on body parts

What is laser hair removal and how does it work?

Laser hair removal for small areas is a laser treatment that can be used to remove hairs on any part of the body. It's most often used in places like facial creases, eyebrows, underarms, necklines, and bikini lines. Individuals who are considering laser hair removal should be aware that laser treatments can take longer than other methods.

What is a small area where you can remove hair with a laser?

Small areas where the laser can be used include:

  • Lip lines and corners of the mouth
  • Eye creases
  • Neck lines
  • Underarms (can also remove hair from large areas)
  • Upper Lip
  • Chin
  • Fingers
  • Toes
Finger hair

    What are the benefits of lasers for small areas?

    Laser is a fast, painless process with no downtime. It is a process that is most often used in small areas like the ones mentioned above.

    It's the most common laser hair removal treatment for people who want to remove the hairs around their mouth or eyes, on their necklines and underarms. 

    It can also be done in other parts of the body where you have smaller volumes of hair growth such as your fingers, toes etc...

    Are there side effects of laser hair removal?

    Some laser hair removal treatments can cause redness in the area where it's used, this is why it’s best to stay out of direct sunlight for about 24 hours after your treatment.

    However, you should avoid exposing your skin to too much sun or artificial light when using a laser for small areas because there could be an increased risk of pigmentation issues.

    Who should not get this treatment done?

    People with dark skin tones or those who have a history of laser hair removal in the past.

    Those that are pregnant should also avoid laser treatments because there isn't enough data on how it affects unborn babies so consult your doctor before making any decisions.

    Individuals who have any kind of active acne, cold sores, and other lesions on their skin should wait until the skin is healed before laser hair removal.

    Laser hair removal is a safe and effective way to remove unwanted facial or body hairs. It’s also perfect for small areas, such as your face or bikini line. 

    To learn more about the benefits of laser hair removal in small areas, contact us today! 

    As always, happy reading!