Braun IPL device and women's legs
Tips & Articles for Your Skin

Braun Laser Hair Removal Device Reviews

This article will cover the two Braun Silk Expert Pro hair removal devices currently on the market. We will explore their functioning, what to expect from them, and the pros and cons of each model. Furthermore, we will explain the technology behind these IPL devices and discuss how you can determine whether this hair removal method will work for you. 

How Many Hair Removal Devices Does Braun Have?

There are ​​two Braun laser hair removal devices for permanent hair reduction. These are the Silk Expert Pro 5 and the Silk Expert Pro 3. Braun’s IPL devices offer a fast hair removal solution with optimal safety and efficacy. 

Both devices use Braun’s SensoAdapt™ technology that continuously reads the skin tone and adapts the flash intensity for increased safety. They also utilize the “stamp and glide” design, allowing you to glide it over your skin without stopping. The gliding mode triggers more flashes for the fastest treatment, ideal for larger areas. Meanwhile, the stamp mode gives more precision for smaller and sensitive areas.

Despite having a similar design, there are a few key differences between the two models. 

Silk Expert Pro 5 Vs. Silk Expert Pro 3

  • Power & Intensity: Braun The Pro 5 is more powerful than the Braun Pro 3 and has ten intensity levels, whereas the Pro 3 only has three levels. Because the Braun Pro 5 is more powerful than the older version, it’s better suited to those with light to medium skin tones. On the other hand, the lower power of the Braun Pro 3 will work better with darker skin tones.
  • Longevity: With IPL devices, longevity is measured by the number of flashes a device gives. The Pro 3 has a capacity of 300,000 flashes, whereas the Braun Pro 5 has 400,000. To translate this to lifespan, the Braun Pro 3 will work for up to 15 years, and the Pro 5 will continue working for 22 years.
  • Speed: Although both models have the “stamp and glide” design, the Braun Pro 5 is slightly faster as it can do both legs in under 5 minutes, compared to 9 minutes for the Braun Pro 3. 
  • Hair reduction time: Another difference between the two models is how fast it gives permanent hair reduction. With Braun Pro 3, you will achieve a permanent reduction in hair growth after three months. However, Braun Pro 5 claims it produces permanent hair reduction in just four weeks.
  • Comfort: Braun’s hair removal devices also feature comfort modes. Braun Pro 3 has two modes, gentle and regular, while Braun  Pro 5 has a third mode, extra gentle. Therefore, for those trying braun expert IPLIPL for the first time or if you have sensitive skin, the Pro 5 may be a more comfortable option.
    IPL home device

    Are Braun Laser Hair Removal Devices Better Than Others?

    The Braun Silk Expert Pro hair removal devices feature advanced Braun expert IPLIPL technology. However, this does not necessarily mean that these devices will give better results than other brands that use older or different technology. 

    The most important thing to understand about IPL devices is that the effectiveness and performance of each device will differ from person to person. For example, factors like the type and color of your hair and skin tone will play a role in which hair removal product is best for you.

    IPL treatment is different from laser technology. IPL devices like the Braun Silk Expert Pro use broad-spectrum visible light to penetrate the hair’s melanin pigment and kill the follicles to prevent regrowth. Braun Expert IPL is best for large areas such as your legs; however, it may not be effective if you have very light hair. This is because blonde, grey, and red hair contain minimal amounts of melanin.

    Laser hair removal ​​targets specific, small areas of skin, so it is better for areas such as the upper lip or bikini line. Moreover, lasers are generally less likely to damage your skin. They may be better suited to lighter hair color than IPL, too. You can learn more about the difference between both types in LS-BOO03- IPL Treatment vs. Laser for Hair Removal article.

    What Is The Difference Between Braun Laser Hair Removal Devices And Others?

    Braun’s laser hair removal devices are rated as one of the easiest to use on the market. Plus, being an established and well-trusted brand, their laser hair removal products feature high-quality materials and a durable build.

    The Braun Silk Expert Pro is often compared with the Philips Lumea Prestige, another top-rated IPL machine. With braun expert IPLIPL treatment, the darker your skin tone, the higher intensity you will need. As the Silk Expert Pro 5 has ten intensity levels and the Lumea Prestige has five, the Pro 5 is better suited for those with darker skin tones. However, both models have an intelligent skin sensor that detects your skin color and automatically selects your most suitable setting.

    There are also many cheaper IPL devices on the market that are worth considering. Smaller brands are lesser-known as they do not have the marketing power of a massive company like Braun, but this doesn’t mean their products are inferior.                                             
    Therefore, several lower-priced machines on the market are just as effective as the Braun laser hair removal products. To help you find the most suitable IPL device for you, we’ve put together a comprehensive buying guide below.

    IPL hair removal device

    How To Choose The Best Braun Expert IPL Device For You

    Braun Expert IPL vs. other hair removal methods

    Before you start searching for the best IPL device, ensure that this is the correct hair removal method for you. As previously mentioned, IPL does not give effective results for everyone, such as those with light-colored hair or dark skin. Therefore, we recommend you research other hair removal methods, such as epilators, laser, waxing, and compare the pros and cons of each.

    Target areas on the body 

    Some IPL devices will only work well on small areas of the body. In contrast, others have the capability and speed to perform well on more significant parts like the legs or torso. If you want to remove hair on large areas, look for a fast IPL machine that uses  ​​a “stamp and glide” or similar feature, like the Silk Expert Pro 5. Alternatively, if you only want to use it on smaller body parts, you will have more options.

    Along with speed, the size of the device’s glass surface (window) will tell you the coverage area the machine gives. The larger the window, the more skin it can treat at one time. For large areas, look for an IPL device with a window between 4cm and 7cm. A large window size like this will make it challenging to use on the smaller areas, though. Therefore, opt for a window size between 2 and 3 cm if you want to remove hair on the face.

    Some IPL devices will also have interchangeable parts, allowing you to change the window size. These models give the best full-body treatment. 

    Skin tone

    You will also need to look for an IPL device that is compatible with your skin tone. As we previously explained, IPL technology works by penetrating the melanin in the hair follicles. However, there is also a lot of melanin in dark skin, so IPL and laser hair removal heat this up too, causing burning or blistering of the skin. 

    Because of this, IPL machines work best with lighter tones. So if this is your case, generally, any IPL device will be compatible with your skin. However, if you have dark skin, you should look for a device that states it treats type IV and V skin tones. These devices will have special filters to protect dark skin.

    Young African American woman is touching her face

    Because of the increased risk of burning and reactions for type V skin, it is essential to ensure the device you use is designed for your skin tone. Using a non-compatible device can also result in other skin reactions, such as redness, skin darkening, or lightening, which in some cases, can be permanent.


    In general, the more powerful a device is, the more effective it will be. The easiest way to determine a device’s power is by the watts. So look for a product that is no less than 2000 Watts

    However, make sure there are at least three power settings so you can adjust the intensity (energy per flash) as needed. For example, having the option to turn the power down will make the experience much more comfortable if your skin is sensitive. 

    Different power levels are also helpful if you are using the device on multiple body parts. Because certain body parts are more sensitive than others, adjusting the power will significantly improve your comfort levels. 


    Like with any electrical device designed for body use, safety should be your primary concern. All home hair removal devices are required to have FDA approval for consumer sale, so check that the product you’re interested in has one. 

    Home hair removal devices operate at lower levels than those used by medically trained professionals and have built-in safety mechanisms. For example, they filter out wavelengths below 500mm to block potentially harmful ultraviolet radiation.

    Furthermore, all FDA-approved IPL devices will only allow the light beam to fire when held in the correct position and when it detects complete contact with the skin​. One of the reasons is to protect your eyes from any damage caused by the intense light.

    While all IPL devices will have these essential and mandatory safety features, some devices will have additional safety functions such as security codes. They may also have accreditations from skin health organizations. However, no matter how safe an IPL device claims to be, remember that these are powerful machines, so you should take the utmost care when using them. 


    Before buying an IPL device, check what year it was manufactured. Generally, the newer a model is, the safer and better the technology will be. This is because the latest IPL technology works faster and is gentler on the skin. In addition, many new technology IPL devices have sensors to detect and automatically adjust to your skin tone, like Braun laser hair removal products. However, older models do not have these sensors, have a longer treatment time, and can be harder on the skin. 

    App feature

    Some of the newest models, like the Philips Lumea Prestige, come with an accompanying app. This feature lets you track your hair removal progress, create a schedule, and send reminders when your next treatment is due. Many electrical products nowadays incorporate an app feature like this, which could be helpful for some people. 

    However, unless you feel that an app will be super beneficial for you, there is no need to specifically look for a device that comes with an accompanying app. 

    Woman is using a mobile app


    Home hair removal devices can drastically differ in price. However, armed with the knowledge from this article, you’ll be able to determine which devices are the best value for money based on their technology and features.


    Aside from all of the above considerations, one of the best ways to learn what to expect from a particular IPL model is to read the user reviews. Reviews can help you determine the general effectiveness of a laser hair removal device. 

    However, because the effectiveness of these devices differs from person to person, we recommend looking for reviews from others with the same skin and hair color as you. This way, you can learn how well a particular model will work with your characteristics. 

    Final Thoughts on Braun Laser Hair Removal Devices

    Both Braun laser hair removal products- Silk Expert Pro 5 and Silk Expert Pro 3 are brilliant options. They are some of the safest, fastest, and most advanced home IPL devices you can buy. Plus, the ten intensity levels of the Pro 5 make it particularly ideal for first-time users and those with sensitive skin

    Even so, there are plenty of other fantastic IPL devices available these days. Therefore, we recommend using the information from this guide to do your own research and find the best hair laser removal device for you.