Tips & Articles for Your Skin

IPL + peel: Two effective treatments for your face

We use the term IPL + peel to refer to two non-invasive treatments that promote positive effects for the face in multiple issues.

The two treatments are sometimes considered to be very different from one another. In our case, we want to propose them as two procedures that work perfectly well together.

Of course, knowing well how each of them acts, we can understand more easily how it is possible that they work well together but not at the same time.

When applied, both penetrate different layers of the skin (peeling in the epidermis and IPL in the dermis). As a result, they facilitate movement and elimination of cells that produce certain side effects during the following recovery process.

As we explain IPL and peel as treatments that can be combined or used individually, we want to remind you that the slower the recovery process, the more IPL + peel is preferred.

Following IPL, the skin will go through different stages of recovery. Once the final stage of IPL is reached, a peel or chemical peel can be applied that complements what the previous treatment started, eliminating its effects without harming the skin in any way.

IPL + peel is a viable solution for visible skin conditions on the face

Suppose you are a person who usually undergoes treatments to improve your skin condition. In that case, you should know that IPL + peel turns out to be a combination of two treatments that, although they act differently on layers of the skin, are equally intended to improve its texture and eliminate the conditions as much as possible.

Most people want to treat their faces because they realize that environmental pollution or simple sunlight can damage their faces. All of these issues become more apparent over time as well as when the skin naturally begins to lose collagen and elastin with each passing year.

When the skin is not present, it wrinkles, loses its shine and becomes more flaccid. Therefore, multiple treatments aim to make these conditions less visible.

Some may be more effective than others, but in the case of IPL + peeling, they should be used together to maximize their effectiveness.


The treatment is non-invasive, but the recovery stages must still be customized to the patient's specific condition.

Your specialist may tell you which one is preferable to use first and which one later, as well as how long you need to wait between them. Suppose you choose as a second step to perform a peel. In that case, you must consider using one that contains low acid levels. After IPL, your skin will be sensitive and return to normal during the first two weeks after the treatment. It is not recommended to perform exfoliations. Because (in addition to sensitivity), the skin could be exposed to hyperpigmentation or the appearance of irritation and redness.

How does photofacial IPL work?

In the case of IPL, multiple treatments can be performed to improve the condition of the skin. But one of the most recognized and recommended is the photofacial IPL.

We know that IPL is short for Intense Pulsed Light. In essence, this is simply a technology that emits certain wavelengths of light deep into the dermis to help eliminate unwanted cells and promote collagen and elastin production so that the skin heals even after months of having been treated.

By using this technology, the skin is attacked from the inside out. In other words, by mobilizing the internal cells, the damaged cells will try to reach the epidermis to be definitively eliminated. And that's where the side effects appear.

Symptoms include redness, swelling, irritation, tenderness, and peeling or crusting in the final stages. These effects are issues that should not cause major concern since they are normal, temporary, and can also be treated to disappear sooner.


This method involves placing a portable, manual device on the skin's surface (which is already anesthetized with a topical anesthetic), which emits pulses of light into the area to be treated.

  • Pigments (those that cause spots).
  • Hemoglobin (in case you are treating redness or blood vessels).
  • Water (to promote the production of collagen and natural elastin).

How does the chemical peel work?

On the other hand, an acid peel is a procedure in which a specific acid is applied to remove the most superficial layer of the skin and its most obvious imperfections with it. Its most common uses include treating acne, discoloration of the skin, and wrinkles.

A simpler or stronger acid will be suggested depending on whether your condition is superficial or deep. This will be determined by the specialist after studying your skin condition.

Suppose, after performing an IPL treatment, you decide to complement with the application of a chemical peel. If this is the case, most often, a simple, non-invasive acid will be applied since your skin will no longer have such a strong condition or condition. The only thing left is to fight one of the last stages of healing, such as peeling or crusting.

Recovery IPL + Peel

As we mentioned before, although both treatments (IPL + peel) are considered non-invasive, their effect on the skin promotes certain side effects. Consequently, it is required to undergo a short but necessary recovery process following its application.

If the chemical peel is mild or superficial, you will only experience slight swelling, redness, and scaly skin for a few days. If it is a deeper peel, recovery can take about two weeks.

For its part, IPL will also leave some redness and swelling that will take at least the first 24 hours to disappear and then about 7 to 14 days to fully recover. This will depend on how sensitive your skin is, your level of activity, and the size of the area treated.

The most important thing you can do for recovery in either case (together or independently) is to:

  • Use sunscreen
  • Keep the skin clean with gentle cleansers
  • Avoid hot water
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water
  • Apply moisturizer at least once or twice a day

Reasons why both treatments can and should be combined

The decision of which treatments will help you in your mission to take care of your skin may seem somewhat difficult for those people for whom this is a priority. There is a possibility that most treatments may be similar and the results they are meant to achieve.

This is why we recommend IPL + peel, taking into account that they are two procedures that simply complement each other.


In the first stage, the IPL treats the inner layers of the skin, while the peeling goes to the surface of the skin. Therefore, skin treatments will be much more effective and their results much more durable by going from the inside out.

Among the skin conditions that both can treat, we can find the following:

  • Wrinkles
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Fine lines
  • Sunspots
  • Acne
  • Brown and white spots
  • Broken blood vessels (broken capillaries)
  • Rosacea redness
  • Spider veins
  • Irregular skin texture
  • Dilated pores

Both types of treatments have been shown to achieve the best results since deep and superficial layers of skin can be treated simultaneously, resulting in a much healthier and more radiant complexion.

On the other hand, those who are more suitable to receive these treatments have clear and non-tanned skin. These treatments are not recommended for African Americans or people with very dark skin since hyperpigmentation could be incurred after the effects of light and the skin's natural color.

Chemical peeling has far fewer restrictions because it usually does not matter what color the skin is, as long as the condition can be treated in this way without causing additional damage. The skin should be evaluated by a specialist, and a decision should be made whether it is necessary or prudent to perform a chemical peel.

For more information on IPL and peeling procedures, visit our blog!